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We have partnered with the following hotels for an exclusive discount convention rate. PLEASE BE AWARE OF SCAMMERS: The Toronto Tattoo Show/NIX will not email you directly for promos and discounts for hotel rooms. 


***It has come to our attention that there have been a number of scam emails sent out regarding potential deals on hotel rooms during the weekend of the convention. We would like to make it clear that the Toronto Tattoo Convention/NIX has no affiliation with these spam accounts.

Please refer to our website for information on booking hotels, if you are unsure please contact this us directly. No other source is to be trusted for information and promotions pertaining to the convention. Thank you! ***


The InterContinental Hotel
Downtown Toronto

Directly Attached To The MTCC. Quick & easy access to hotel room from from convention floor. Guests can book reservations by calling: 1-800-235-4670 or they can book online by clicking the link.

Let staff know you are with "Northern Ink Xpo/ the Toronto Tattoo Show 2025" when booking via telephone for your discounted rate.

The Westin Harbour Castle


The Westin Harbour Castle is set on the Toronto harbour along Lake Ontario. 15 minute walk to the MTCC. Guests can book reservations online by calling the number below and mentioning they are with the Toronto Tattoo Show / NIX 2025 for your discounted rate.

westine harbour castle2.jpg

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