Sunday, June 15th 2025 - 1PM - MTCC - Cost ** FREE **
Cory Ferguson Seminar - Introduction to Geometrica
Introduction to Geometrica - a geometric drawing app made for tattooers by a tattooer

Seminar by Cory Ferguson
In this free tutorial you will learn both basic and advanced skills for using Cory Ferguson's Geometrica software for the iPad. If you don't have the app already, we will hook you up with a code that gives you a full month free trial so you can draw along with Cory during the seminar and learn first hand what the app can do for you.
The app is full of ground breaking symmetry tools used to turn what you draw into patterns, mandalas, spirals and more, all seen in real time as you draw them. Used by thousands of top geo tattooers all over the world, this easy to use software will absolutely level up your geometric tattoo game immediately. This seminar will show you how to get the most out of it right away and will make sure you don't miss any of the many cool features that otherwise might take you a while to find.

Sunday, June 15th 2025 – 1PM – MTCC - Cost: $FREE
To reserve your seat attendees must make a reservation online.